December 02, 2008


Mr. Bunny and Miss Penguin

The Magic Jungle just released a new fable

But it’s not the race between the Mouse deer and the Turtle

Nor the story of the Lion and the Tiger’s great battle

It’s about Mr. Bunny who lives under the oak tree

And Miss Penguin that lives in a very cold country

Introduced by the dragonflies and the blowing wind

They become friends through a long distance

The Bunny and the Penguin agreed to be pals

But who can forbid when an oviparous loves a mammal?

* * *

A Cellphone's Diary

Cell Phone’s Diary

March 3rd, 2008

I’ve tried my best for her. My operation system is going slower lately. It because my overloaded memory, I supposed. I wonder why she hasn’t bought me a memory card yet. It will help me a lot. There are too many messages in my inbox now. 3000 messages in a small device without additional memory card like me! Can you imagine? Most of them belong to him―of course. I receive his messages all day long just for her. But why she seldom to share a little bit affection with me. I am wondering. Is it really hard for her to erase some of unimportant messages in the inbox? Oh, I have to tell you one more thing. I connect her to his cell phone every night, just to hear her laughs and to see her smile after they said good night to each other. But she always forgets to recharge my battery. I’ve collapsed for several times this week because of my empty battery. It sucks! I’m dying!

December 01, 2008

Sweetest Drug

Sweetest drug

He is like drug, so soft and sweet

My opium, my daily need

Gave me bliss

Like a source of peace

I was positive miserably addicted

Strangely, It can’t be rejected

Day by day the addiction multiplied

Rode over me, but can’t be denied

Then come the day of alteration

When the sweet changed into poison

It deranged me and dissolved my heart

Resuscitated that life could be so hard

This painful heart drove me insane

Nothing could cure, no hope remains

But the life must goes on anyway

I know this pain should no longer stay

Now the drug has gone away

But he will start another play

Looking the others to be his prey

Then treat them as how he treated me



I have been suffering from sleep disorder for the last one year. This sleep disorder actually a little bit strange. I call it insomnia, although I’m not really sure whether it’s really insomnia or not. I am used to sleep around 10 or 11 at night, but then I will always automatically awake around 1 or 2 am, and sleepless until the time for praying subuh. At first, I didn’t understand why it is always hard to sleep every night. I feel very sleepy and obviously want to sleep, but strangely my eyes won’t be closed. Seems like they rejecting my will to sleep. Sometimes this sleep disorder is advantageous when I need to stay up late in the night to do some assignments. Nevertheless, it is really sucks because I will get sleepy later in the morning while I’m sitting in the class.

I have read some articles about sleep disorders, especially insomnia. I’ve tried the tips given on the articles, but still didn’t work. I am not used to sleeping at noon, but I will still awake in the middle of the night. I sleep earlier, but then I will still wake up too early at 1 am as usual. I have read on an article, the one of the causal factors of insomnia is the atmosphere at the bedroom. It mentioned that people will easily fall asleep if the atmosphere at the bedroom supporting them to sleep. It suggest not to making bedroom as a place to do work or other things but sleeping. But how could I do? Since I’m living in dormitory, I only have a small room to live. I am sleeping, eating, and doing my tasks at the bedroom because it’s the only room provided for me. I think it’s the most conceivable reason why I get the sleep disorder.

The atmosphere of my room doesn’t support me to sleep. It’s already proven on my last semester holiday. I spent the two months holiday in my home town. At home, I’m able to do my activities at the separate rooms. Sleeping at the bed room, eating at the dining room, working or studying at the other room, and strangely I didn’t have sleep disorder at all! I got sleep easily, even at the earlier time than usual, and I never wake up at midnight anymore. At that time, I thought my insomnia was already cured. I thought I get the sleep disorder just because of homesick, but I was wrong! When I went back to the dorm after the holiday ended, I get the sleep disorder again. Well, I think this insomnia won’t be end as long as I live in this kind of small room.

[ * take a deep breath * ]


PRIDE dorama


It’s all about believing each other, not waiting for another

Last weekend, I spent the nights watching DVD of Japanese drama series (well known as ‘dorama’) which is lent by a friend of mine. The title is Pride. This is story about a captain of an ice hockey team named Haru Satonaka who is used to call as Halu. Halu is the star of the Blue Scorpion team, and he’s greatly respected by his teammates. Hockey is something important for Halu. It’s not just a game; it’s more than everything for him. Say, hockey is the number one thing in his mind. Halu is very famous. There are many girls declare as his fans [includes me ^ 0 ^;]. Ironically, Halu treats romance as if it just a game. He has never tended to be serious in it. Another main character is Aki. Aki is a businesswoman. She’s waiting for her boyfriend who is studying architecture in USA. Unhappily, her boyfriend has never contact her for the last two years. One day, Aki was asked by her friends, Yuri and Chika, watching a hockey match together. It was the match of Yuri and Chika’s favorite team, Blue Scorpion. Blue Scorpion won the match, and they held a celebration at the pub where their friends and fans are used to get on together. There, Aki meets Halu for the first time. Aki’s personality a little bit attracted Halu. She’s so silent and mousy, so that Halu calls her as ‘A woman from the last century’. They exchanged e-mail and starting to have dates by then. After several times meeting, Halu offered Aki a temporary relationship while Aki waiting for her boyfriend to return to Japan. Aki was very doubtful, but finally she accepted Halu’s offer. Then, a unique relationship between them started. As time goes by, Aki and Halu began to fall in love each other. AT first, both of them are always deny their real feelings. Halu tends to hold his pride, and Aki still grapple with her uncertainty. The climax of the story is when Aki’s boyfriend returned to Japan. At that time, the relationship of Halu and Aki was getting tighter. Aki was so confused. She didn’t know which one she has to choose.

This dorama isn’t only about the love between the main characters. It also dominated by a lot of things about ice hockey. If you’re kind of person who love ice skating, you maybe satisfied by the ice hockey matches in this dorama. All of the ice hockey players are extremely expert in ice skating. Starring by talented actors and actresses, this dorama is really worth to watch.

n_n v

I’m Romeo and She’s Juliet

I’m Romeo and She’s Juliet

We had been spending that time together

Separated? Both of us sure that ‘we’ll never’

You always know how badly I wanted you,

I’m sure I just want to be with you

But that night we were quarrelling

I talked. You talked. You were crying

Our elders were questioning our future

We wanted to prove our love, but they called us ‘dreamer’

I gravelly screamed, and you shout out loud

We thought we were meant to be, but we were not

I hate the Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

It’s as if their tragedy inspired our fate

I hugged you tight

I knew you cried

The day we said goodbye

I was suffered, I couldn’t deny

I know you’ve forced your self smiling to me

I wish the time will run very quickly

And soon erase our sadness tears

I’m sorry for these painful memories


Twilight – Stephenie Meyer

“ Itukah yang kau impikan? Menjadi monster?”

“ Tidak juga. Aku lebih sering memimpikan bersamamu, selamanya…”

Saya pertama kali dikenalkan novel ini pertengahan Juni 2008 yang lalu. Ternyata nggak nyesel belain baca novel ini di tngah badai uas yg sedang mengamuk di hari-hari saya. Ceritanya, menurut saya keren abizzzz. [Ingat, pake ‘Z’ hehehe]. Kalau baca sinopsis di halaman belakang buku, plus prolog di halaman pertama, mungkin sudah bisa ditebak gimana endingnya. Tapi saya tipikal orang yg menikmati proses sih… Seringkali saya ngrasa suatu proses lebih menarik dari hasil akhir proses itu sendiri. [Eh, bukannya begitu, ya?]

Twilight ini sebenernya intinya kisah cinta. Wooopss,, jangan buru-buru bilang, “Halaaah…” Saya mungkin memang salah satu dari mereka yang disebut melankolis, jadi wajar kan kalau Twilight ada di daftar bacaan favorit saya. Hehehe,,, Saya agak iri dengan Isabella Swan, tokoh utama cewek di novel ini. HigzBisa-bisanya Bella punya cowok sekeren Edward! Menyingkirkan fakta bahwa Edward bukan manusia melainkan vampir, Bella bisa dbilang sangat beruntung. Saya jelas juga mau punya sesorang seperti Edward, the almost perfect guy. Cakep – pinter – terkesan dingin, tapi penuh cinta – dan, kaya! [ Bahkan walaupun deskripsi yg nyaris sempurna itu adalah karena Edward adalah vampire] hehehehe. Hari Edward bersama Bella berawal sangat aneh, tapi kemudian berlalu dengan manis sekali sampai mereka diingatkan dengan kenyataan bahwa vampir dan manusia itu dua dunia yang jauh berbeda dan bahkan akan cenderung jadi hubungan yang saling membahayakan… Inti cerita ini terwakili oleh quotes “ And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…” O-oww, sudah bisa menebak endingnya? Tapi skali lagi, kalau buat saya ini bukan masalah ending. Saya suka gaya Stephenie Meyer menuliskan cerita ini. Suram tapi manis, miris tapi maniss… Gaya pacaran Edward dan Bella agak tidak biasa… Tidak berlebihan sperti cerita cinta remaja Amerika di novel pada umumnya yg ‘euwwhh’… [Tapi kemudian saya tau hubungan mereka ternyata berkembang cukup drastic di sekuel selanjutnya : New Moon, Eclipse, and the last Breaking Dawn. Ha-ha.]

Bella yg baru pertama kali membuka hatinya untuk seorang cowok, dan Edward yg harus mati2an berusaha mengendalikan jiwa ‘predator’nya saat bersama seseorang yang sangat dia cintai, berusaha agar kebal terhadap ‘aroma’ yang tentu saja sebenarnya sangat mengusik sisi monsternya. Cerita ini dengan suksesnya menghebohkan saya dan teman-teman sekelas [terutama yang cewek-pastinya]. Hadir dalam empat buku, Twilight – New Moon – Eclipse – dan Breaking Dawn sukses menjadi buku paling sering dibicarakan akhir-akhir ini. Tentengan mahasiswa jurusan sastra pun bukan lagi kamus tebal sepperti biasanya, tapi salah satu buku karangan Stephenie Meyer ini. Dan topik pembicaraan tentang novel ini pun semakin heboh ketika ternyata film Twilight akan segera rilis. Siapa yang memerankan Edward, siapa yang memerankan Bella, apakah bakal seru seperti novelnya, rame! Beberapa teman yang belum sempat membaca kadang sampai bosan mendengar saya dan teman-teman ribut membicarakan Twilight series. Hehehe. Beberapa mengaku bahwa tadinya mereka penasaran dan ingin mencoba membaca, tapi jadi eneg lagi dan mengurungkan niat gara-gara kami terlalu sering membahas topik satu ini. Saya tidak tahu kapan demam Twilight ini bakal berakhir. Yah, dinikmati saja sihh…


* yang belum baca?? mari silahkan dicoba… *

Pelangi Setelah Hujan

~ Pelangi Setelah Hujan ~

Kenapa ~ Pelangi Setelah Hujan ~ ???

Wah, sebenarnya saya nggak punya alasan khusus juga sih… Saya bisa dibilang masih sangat sangat-sangat baru dalam dunia blog ini. Waktu itu tertarik bikin gara-gara saya sering dipamerin teman-teman yang sudah jauh lebih dulu berakrab-akrab ria dengan dunia blog. Saya pun jadi kepikiran, masak iya saya nggak bikin? Apa kata dunia?? Hehehe. Bikin deh… pikir saya waktu itu. Beberapa kali saya bikin blog, tapi gagal terus. Berhasil sih, sebenarnya. Cuma entah ada masalah apa dengan otak saya tercinta, saya beberapa kali lupa e-mail, nama account, dan password yang saya pakai untuk blog saya. Jadi saya kesusahan ketika akan login lagi. Hehe. Dasar saya saja yang aneh-aneh sok pakai e-mail yang beda-beda yang bahkan saya nggak bisa dengan mudah ingat namanya. Gara-gara kebodohan sendiri saya sempat alergi dengan blog dan menunda terus keinginan saya untuk punya blog. [ A . A v ]

~ Pelangi Setelah Hujan ~ saya bikin accidentally ketika seorang teman di sebelah saya sedang asyik posting entri baru untuk blognya. Saya tiba-tiba ingin bikin blog lagi. Karena sudah kapok dengan pengalaman kemarin-kemarin, saya memutuskan untuk menggunakan e-mail yang sama dengan e-mail yang saya pakai untuk account facebook saya. Saya pun memilih menggunakan password yang kira-kira tidak akan mudah saya lupakan. Sukses. Registrasi sudah beres. Sekarang tinggal nama. Apa ya, enaknya?? Sambil berpikir saya bertanya pada teman yang masih posting entri baru untuk blognya. “Blog kamu namanya apa?” tanya saya. Teman saya, tanpa mengalihkan pandangan dari monitor, menjawab, “Kunang-Kunang Tersesat.” jawabnya. Cling! Saya juga ingin judul blog saya terdiri dari tiga kata, ah…

Lalu terbersit tiba-tiba begitu saja, ~ Pelangi Setelah Hujan ~

Ngomong-ngomong, saya hari ini melihat pelangi pertama semenjak saya kuliah di sini. Pelangi pertama saya di Depok. Sore tadi langit sungguh luar biasa cantik. Saya dan teman-teman yang tadinya kesal menunggu hujan reda, langsung terpana ketika MeJiKuHiBiNiU dengan manisnya melukis diri di bentangan langit , segera setelah hujan akhirnya berhenti dan matahari bersinar lagi. Subhanallah, indah sekali…

Kami pun beramai-ramai langsung mencari spot yang oke untuk mengabadikan warna warni yang belum tentu tiap hari menghias langit sore ini. Sayang hari ini saya tidak membawa digicam. Saya Cuma mengandalkan kamera handphone saya. Bodohnya, saya lupa mengganti setting ukuran gambar, jadi foto hasil jepretan saya kurang mantap. Hik. Hik. Nantilah, saya minta ke teman yang hari ini beruntung sekali membawa serta digicamnya.

Wuahhh,, saya jadi semakin cinta ~ Pelangi Setelah Hujan ~

Not A 1950 Role Model

Not a 1950 Role Model

Red-haired Bree is a master of cookery

who always keep her lovely house perfectly

Unfortunately, Bree is a desperate housewife

who refuses her family to mar her perfect life

Bree represses her own feeling and deny the others

Manipulating herself as a good wife and mother

Bree is both slave and tyrant

whose acts often subterranean

Bree smiling her way though her marriage is broken

She’s hiding the fact of her rebellious children

Rex, the husband, feel their marriage was intolerable

Still, Bree forces not to show these unstable

What a life behind the pretty garden

a superficial happy family covered the subordination


Serial TV populer Desperate Houswives menampilkan sosok Bree sebagai contoh figur seorang istri sekaligus ibu rumah tangga di era 1950an silam, yang ahli memasak dan senantiasa menjaga rumah dan perabotannya agar tetap rapi pada tempatnya. Gambaran ideal inilah yang kemudian disoroti dan terungkaplah berbagai prahara di balik keharmonisan rumah tangga yang nampak dari luarnya. Bree adalah seorang yang cenderung memaksakan perasaan dan keinginannya, mengesampingkan perasaan anggota keluarga yang lain. Bree memaksakan diri untuk tersenyum ketika rumah tangganya di ambang perceraian dan anak-anaknya mulai memberontak karena tidak tahan dengan situasi rumah yang semakin kacau. Bagi Rex, suami Bree, kehidupan pernikahan mereka sudah tidak tertahankan lagi akibat sikap Bree yang cenderung mengambil alih akan semua hal dalam kehidupan mereka. Bree bahkan memaksa untuk mengepak barang-barang Rex, ketika suaminya hendak pergi meninggalkan rumah.
Bree mengontrol kehidupan rumah tangganya di bawah permukaan, agar tidak akan ada orang luar yang menyadari kenyataan rumah tangganya yang sebenarnya. Karena merasa tidak memiliki kekuatan untuk melakukannya secara terang-terangan, Bree melakukan segala keinginannya secara manipulatif dan diam-diam. Seperti misalnya menyabotase sofa di rumah mereka sehingga Rex mau-tidak mau terpaksa kembali tidur bersamanya di tempat tidur mereka, atau menghukum anaknya dengan yang diam-diam mengunjungi club penari striptease dengan cara mencopot pintu kamarnya sehingga sang anak tidak lagi punya privasi. Bree adalah budak sekaligus tirani. Sebuah gambaran tepat dari paradox of love, di mana waqnita yang tadinya menyediakan diri berada di posisi yang lebuh rendah dari suami, kemudian mendapat pemikiran baru dan mengalami evolusi menjadi seoarang tiran.


November 18, 2008

I’m homesick, and this kind of feeling has been growing lately. I feel that my present life isn’t really going right. I need to see my family and my old friends in Blitar, my home town. I miss them badly. If Doraemon’s magic door was really exist, I would have borrowed it to go home town right now. Moreover, today I got a bad news from Kartika, my best friend in senior high school. Her father passed away this morning after hospitalized since last week. He suffered from stroke. Actually, last night Kartika sent me a short message, and told me that her father was getting better. He had been moved from the ICU, and the doctor said that her father’s health was one step better. Therefore, the fact that her father passed away this morning must have shocked her. Kartika and her father have a very close relationship. She must be very sad of losing him. I can feel it from her husky voice that I heard, when I phoned her to say my condolence.

I want to see Kartika right now. Hugging and calming her. I want to stand by her side, but I can’t. All I can do is just praying. I never thought that Kartika will lose her father so fast. I cannot imagine if it happened to me. I realize that everyone will be die someday, and that God had decided the day we die. Because of it, everyday I pray and thank to God, that my family still in good health.

Oh, I miss them more and more now…

I can only dreaM

I dreamed of you last night

And the dream seems very bright

Our bad day is going right

And you’re [again] can sit by my side

… … …

I always love dreaming of you

The only way that I’m able to do

To see you, talk to you

Do you know that I [always] miss you?

… … …

In the morning, I wake up sadly

Realizing that the dream isn’t a reality

I wonder if it could [really] happen to me

I wonder whether you have the same thought as me

… … …

November 27, 2008


If my brain is washable

And choosing its memories freely is able

I’m sure I wouldn’t got unstable

If time can really be an eraser

Or the memories can be removed by a cutter

Everything will be so much better

You should’ve never come

and treated me so warm

Coz I’m the one who got that harm

Coz you’re gone steadily

Alone to the eternity

Left me here hopelessly
